Tuning Forks Can Change Your Brain

A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator in the form of a two-pronged fork with the prongs formed into a U-shaped bar of steel. Tuning forks resonate at a specific constant pitch when struck against a surface or with an object, and each fork’s pitch depends on the length and mass of the two prongs. Over the years, tuning forks have been used for many different applications, including tuning musical instruments, assessing hearing and bone injuries, and also as an effective tool in various alternative therapies, such as polarity therapy, sound therapy, and now our Nervous System Reset.

Our specific application of tuning forks is based on brain wave studies using electroencephalography (EEG) technology to map different states of consciousness known as Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta. Delta is associated with deep sleep. Theta is associated with meditation and dream states. Alpha is associated with relaxed awareness, creativity and heightened learning. Beta is associated with high alertness and focus. When certain tuning forks are simultaneously sounded (one in the left ear and the other in the right ear) the two hemispheres of the brain function together to integrate the two sounds, creating a third, different tone called a binaural beat. The binaural beat gently signals the brain to shift into a different state of consciousness and accelerates the body’s natural healing process.

The forks chosen for each client are specific to that person’s needs and goals. As an example, the forks can be used to break up old, stuck energy that is a result of unprocessed emotions that are being held within the body. The forks allow the person to return to their original and natural frequency, which supports an overall sense of wellbeing within themselves and in their lives.

Benefits of tuning forks are:

-        An almost instantaneous, deep state of relaxation

-        Improved mental clarity and brain functioning

-        Increased physical energy and mental concentration

-        Relief of stress

-        Increased blood flow

-        Enhanced immune response

-        Enhanced dream work and meditation

-        Greater balance in your nervous system

-        Integration of left and right brain functions

-        Higher states of consciousness

Tuning forks are just one of the many tools utilized during our Nervous System Reset. Yet they are an invaluable piece of the puzzle when it comes to resetting your nervous system so you can experience true healing on a deep level. Learn more about this service here.


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