Help Treat Your Condition with Medical Massage

Medical massage is massage therapy and other techniques used with the purpose of helping to treat a medical condition diagnosed by doctor. Some conditions that can be treated with medical massage include:

-        sciatica,

-        frozen shoulder,

-        thoracic outlet syndrome,

-        shin splints,

-        carpal tunnel syndrome,

-        plantar fasciitis,

-        headaches/migraines

-        TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorders)

-        muscle strains,

-        pain in the back, shoulder, knee or hip.


Techniques used during medical massage

Besides therapeutic massage, techniques utilized during medical massage depend on each client’s specific circumstances and may include:

-        myofascial release,

-        positional release,

-        manual traction,

-        cupping,

-        manual lymphatic drainage,

-        neuromuscular therapy, and

-        muscle energy techniques.


Do you need a prescription?

In most cases a prescription for medical massage is not required. However, you may be able to be reimbursed from your instance company if you do have a doctor's referral. This is something you will want to speak to your insurance company about, and the establishment you are receiving treatment from can provide an invoice for you to submit to them if necessary.


How is medical massage different from regular massage?

Medical massage in not the same as traditional Swedish, relaxation-based on even deep-tissue massage. You first session will begin with a thorough assessment of your posture, range of motion, and walking gait. After that, a treatment plan will be put in place and the massage portion of the session will begin. Massage, plus any other techniques listed above, may be utilized. You will be very involved during your session by providing feedback and actively resisting or engaging your muscles at certain times. In addition, clothing does not need to be removed for medical massage, as the massage can be done through clothing. Sports-wear and sports bras are perfectly acceptable for this kind of treatment.


What now?

If you have a condition you suspect can be treated with medical massage, book your first session online here. For specific questions or inquiries, give us a call at 410-549-7711.


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