The Benefits of Combining Reiki and Massage Therapy

Reiki has become a popular healing modality over the last several years due to reports that it can help manage stress, anxiety and even physical pain.

But what exactly is Reiki?

Reiki is a kind of energy healing that addresses universal lifeforce energy. All living things have this lifeforce energy flowing in and around them. Just like highways can become jammed up during rush hour, our energy pathways and centers can also become congested.

When this occurs, we can begin to feel fatigued or experience headaches, digestive disturbances, depression, anxiety and overwhelm. If this pattern continues, it can lead to dis-ease in both the emotional and physical body.

When you receive a reiki treatment, the practitioner is essentially treating the energy in and around your body by laying their hands on or above energy centers to help restore proper flow, so that your body can then begin to heal itself.

What makes Reiki a great addition to your massage session?

Massage therapy tends to work more with your physical body; muscles, tendons, lymphatic and circulatory systems, and it can help calm your nervous system as well.

Often times dis-ease and imbalances begin in the energy centers of your body, and you often aren’t able to see or experience these imbalances until they reach the physical level.

By addressing both the physical and energetic body during one wellness treatment, the results can truly be remarkable. Reiki is a gentle, calming adjunct to your bodywork treatment, which can go deeper into addressing the root causes of your imbalances and restoring homeostasis. You will most likely leave feeling lighter, calmer, refreshed, uplifted and more grounded.

If you’re interested in combining massage therapy and reiki energy healing, book your appointment online today!


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